Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A Letter to Miss Harley


for I cannot with you
soundlessly, turn over,
towards where I used to lie,
endless nights over too soon
whilst I am gone, always remember,
my one true love,
that I am always with you
in thought
in body
in spirit
the show has yet to end for us,
although it has for me
but one day, and one day soon
you and I
will be

my poetry

I would like to put some of my poetry on this site, but I don't know ANYONE yet, so I'd rather not post it and see it in print under somebody else's name. However, if you comment me and leave an email address, I'll chat a lil bit with you and then send you a piece of mine that I think you'd enjoy. I write mainly darker-themed poems, about love lost and love that never was, as well as the tragedy of clowns, poems for thought, and custom poems for people (I do that free, all I ask is recognition for the poem; use my name or say that "a guy I know" wrote this). Let me know if you're interested.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

so NOBODY I know uses this site...

it's a time to start over, I believe. Does anyone escape to the web to get away from the tormentors of the real world? A mentor of mine told me that a hiding place is only as good as a location, but I feel as though I can be here, in the open, and still away from everyone else. Does anybody else feel like that? Or know what it's like to be a jester crying?

To know that the eyes of everyone around you is watching you with a microscope, changing positions until they find one that they like and sticking to it? To know that they only choose, that they only CAN, see what they wish and not a cell more? To know that no matter the layers of filth dumped upon thee that you cry alone?

I ask, will you understand me?